Historical Newspapers Guide: How to Find Your Ancestors in Archived Newspapers
Historical Newspapers Guide: How to Find Your Ancestors in Archived Newspapers by James M. Beidler
There are more historical newspaper resources than you think – and they’re easier to access than you know. When researching properly, no other type of record can beat historical newspapers in “taking the pulse” of their times and places, recording not just the names, but also information important to the community. This complete how-to guide will show you:
- How to harvest the “social media” of centuries past to learn about your ancestors and the times and places in which they lived.
- What you can find in online (and offline) historical newspapers from city
dailies to weekly community papers to foreign-language gazetteers.
- Tips and techniques for finding crucial genealogical records in newspapers, such as birth announcements, obituaries, and even news reports.
- Step-by-step guides for using popular online newspaper databases such as GenealogyBank.com and Newspapers.com.
- Case studies that will put information found in newspapers to use.